Insurance Agent

Insurance Agent

Job Profile

As an Insurance Agent, you will be advising people who want to buy insurance policies, help them to apply for the policies and receive the policies after payment of insurance premiums. You will be advising people about the various features and benefits of different insurance policies such as life insurance, health insurance, and general insurance (general insurance includes fire insurance, vehicle insurance, property insurance, machinery insurance, consumer good insurance, crop insurance, etc.).

Your job will be to build awareness about the necessity of various types of insurance policies and educate people about the benefits of various policies. You will meet customers who want to buy insurance policies and advise them about the right policies that they should buy accordingly to their needs or for their future financial requirements.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:

As an Insurance Agent, you will be engaged with one or more of the following roles and responsibilities: -

  • You will advise and educate people who want to buy insurance policies about the features and benefits of different insurance policies include life insurance, health insurance, and general insurance.
  • You will assess and understand the needs of the customers or understand their future financial requirements.
  • You will assist customers to decide which insurance policy to buy according to their needs or future financial requirements.
  • You will help existing insurance policyholders to pay their premiums in time or renew their policies (premium means the amount an insurance policyholder has to pay to the insurance company to receive an insurance policy). You will also advise and educate them about any additional policies that they may wish to buy.
  • You will maintain data about the potential and existing insurance policyholders. You will keep track of the premium payment schedules of your customers as well as keep track of the renewals.
  • You will help insurance policyholders or their nominees to claim the benefits of the various insurance policies when the need arises or when the policies mature (maturing means the period over which an insurance policy remains valid gets over).
  • You will ensure that all policy requirements are satisfied as per the insurance company’s policies as well as all the rules and regulations governing insurance policies in the country.
  • You will learn about new insurance policies, features and benefits and keep yourself updated with knowledge about various financial services in order to perform well in your jobs.

Core Competencies

  • You should have interests for Enterprising Occupations. Enterprising occupations involve taking initiatives, initiating actions, and planning to achieve goals, often business goals. These involve gathering resources and leading people to get things done. These require decision making, risk-taking, and action orientation.
  • You should have interests for Conventional Occupations. Conventional occupations involve repetitive and routine tasks as well as fixed processes or procedures for getting things done. These occupations involve working more with data, systems, and procedures and less with ideas or creativity.
  • You should have interests for Social Occupations. Social occupations involve helping or assisting others; these involve working with and communicating with people to provide various services; these may involve educating and advising others.
  • Personal Care Service - Knowledge of how to provide various assistance and services to others. This includes looking after the needs of individuals, understanding what they need and provide all assistance at home or elsewhere.
  • Active Listening Skills - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, understanding the points being made by others, asking questions, etc.
  • Service orientation - Skills in or a keen interest to help and assist people.
  • Critical Thinking Skills - Skills in the analysis of complex situations, using logic and reasoning to understand the situations and take appropriate actions or make interpretations and inferences.
  • Inter-personal Ability - The ability to build and maintain good relationships with others at workplaces and elsewhere.
  • You always or mostly prefer to stick within a routine or carry out routine and repetitive activities. 
  • You are always or most helpful to others.
  • You are always calm or generally remain calm in most situations.
  • You are always or mostly caring, supportive, sympathetic and kind to others.