

Job Profile

As a Commercial Pilot, you will fly and navigate commercial aeroplanes, helicopters, private jets, cargo aircraft, chartered planes, etc. You will be responsible for flying passengers or cargo from a particular location to another. You will handle the full control of the aircraft and will be responsible for the safety of the passengers onboard.

Each aircraft is operated by two or more pilots (depending upon the size or the aircraft or the journey route). While one pilot acts as the Captain or the Commander and the other functions as the First Officer or Co-Pilot. They take turns to fly the aircraft and/or monitor the autopilot systems.

Key Roles & Responsibilities:

  • To conduct pre-flight checks on the navigation and operating systems of the aircraft.
  • To ensure that the fuel supply is adequate and that the aircraft is properly balanced.
  • To ensure that all the information about the route, weather, aircraft, and passengers is up to date.
  • To communicate with air traffic control before take-off, during flight, and while landing.
  • To monitor engines, fuel consumption, and all the other systems in the aircraft while flying.
  • To ensure that all the safety systems are functioning correctly.
  • To respond quickly to weather fluctuations and emergency situations.
  • To brief the cabin crew before the flight takes off and maintain continuous contact during the entire duration of the flight.
  • To understand and interpret data received from instruments and control systems.
  • To communicate with passengers as and when necessary via the public address system.

Core Competencies

Realistic: You should have interests for Realistic Occupations. Realistic occupations involve more practical and hands-on activities than paperwork or office work. Realistic occupations often involve physical activities for getting things done using various tools and equipment. 

Investigative: You should have interests for Investigative Occupations. Investigative occupations involve working with ideas and quite a lot of thinking, often abstract or conceptual thinking. These involve learning about facts and figures; involve the use of data analysis, assessment of situations, decision making and problem-solving.

Enterprising: You should have interests for Enterprising Occupations. Enterprising occupations involve taking initiatives, initiating actions, and planning to achieve goals, often business goals. These involve gathering resources and leading people to get things done. These require decision making, risk-taking, and action orientation.

Personality traits:

  • You are always or mostly organized in your day-to-day life and activities.
  • You are always or mostly disciplined in your action and behaviour.
  • You are always calm or generally remain calm in most situations.
  • You always feel secure in your surroundings and in most situations.
  • You can always act independently or could do so in most situations.


  • Critical thinking - Skills in the analysis of complex situations, using logic and reasoning to understand the situations and take appropriate actions or make interpretations and inferences.
  • Active Learning - Focused and continuous learning from various sources of information, observation and otherwise for application in getting work done.
  • Active listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, understanding the points being made by others, asking questions, etc.
  • Time Management - Skills in prioritizing work, managing time effectively.
  • Problem Solving - Skills in analysis and understanding of problems, evaluating various options to solve the problems and using the best option to solve the problems.
  • Reading Comprehension - Skills in understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.

Entry Pathway

Career Path